Access to health care services during COVID 19
Ahmad Alqayem, in cooperation with: Doha institute for graduate studies, Qatar. Doha
S PDF copy : Arabic , English
This paper will talk about accessibility of health care services from
a human rights perspective that the state is obligated to take care of as a
right of economic, cultural and social rights, and it was mentioned in the global
declarations of human rights and agreements of which countries are part by
ratifying this international agreement. Do countries treat economic, cultural
and social rights with the same interest Civil and political rights?
This is what will be considered in the state's policies towards those
rights, one of the most important of which is health care, as it is directly
related to the right to a normal life.
It is not possible to talk about the health service without looking
at the state's position on the economic map in terms of the strength of its
resources, the extent of its continuous borrowing from the World Bank or its
sufficiency, and the extent to which each of those sectors enjoys, including
the health sector.
Key words
Pandemic, epidemic, COVID 19, accessibility, health services access,
financial crises, corruption in administration.
Health is a right as many of the rights classified as social and
economic rights included in the International Covenant[1]
to which the vast majority of countries have joined and seek to preserve their
obligations within it, and health was declared as a human right in the Charter
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 25 that[2]
recognizes the right The full enjoyment of the highest levels of health for
every individual, linking this to his right to life and the practice of his
normal life, whether he is physically healthy or has needs or disability , or
in cases of captivity, imprisonment or health crises, The right to health is
implicitly mentioned in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)[3]
and also in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the international
level, there is a detailed view of the elements of this right in the European
Charter, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, or even in
the Additional Protocols of America San Francisco Protocol.
Fulfilling the right
to health does not fall under the state’s provision of this right, but it has
multiple elements, the basis of which begins with abundance and speed of access
to health care services and ends with quality and modernization of the health
sector, as the contemporary right
[1] [1] the heading of social, cultural and
economic rights in the international, art.12. para.1
[2] Universal declaration of human rights, art.25
[3] Convention of elimination of all form of discrimination
against women, CEDAW, art 11, p.1.(J)
to health is classified according to the World Health Organization:
which is the presence of a sufficient amount of services and facilities
Distributed health services between the public and private sectors, the
possibility of access, which is represented in The ability to obtain the service on time when requested and on an
equal basis, away from any kind of spatial or social discrimination, which
allows everyone to be subjected to treatment, detection and follow-up by
specialists in proportion to the financial amount he owns and without prejudice
to the minimum acceptability of this service It is what the organization
considers a separate element, as it provides the extent of satisfaction with
the service evaluated in a manner commensurate with everyone and the ethnic or
spatial differences in the region within the what is called medical ethics. of
the basic elements. Since the core of our study on the crisis that decimated
the Jordanian health sector, it is necessary to address the right to health
with its basic elements, which is access & vulnerability to the services,
because it is one of the last of these elements that remained before the
collapse of the health care system facility. [2]
To study this relationship, we can analyze the situation in Jordan
as an example and study the internal health system in all its aspects, in terms
of the way the state deals with economic, social and cultural rights, and on
the other hand, detail the international agreements and treaties in which
Jordan is linked with regard to health and what The study will deal with one of
vital state’s sectors and its main ministries, so we cannot be in isolation
from looking at the state’s economic capacity and capabilities and its internal
management of the sector, a spectrum that deals with crises and distributes a
share to each sector in proportion to its continuity, survival and development
if conditions allow for that.
What triggered this study is the tragedy that happened during a period when
Jordan was turned to deal with the developments imposed by the new situation.
Deaths of more than eight patients who were living in a city far from the
capital in Salt Hospital, which is what the local experts described it as an
expected result from years of neglect and Marginalization of health and of
areas which located far from the capital alike, And all this is based on a detailed scientific study on the
financial reports that the state prepares annually about the budget, and the
annual World Bank reports on the extent to which the state borrows loans to
develop some of its sectors or to bridge its deficit or to maintain its
internal security that also cannot be neglected. Reports that criticize the
situation of the fair and actual distribution of these expenditures internally
and the extent to which they are affected by ministerial or local
administrative corruption.[3]
Research problem: The problem lies in that the times
when there are crises in the country, there is a lack of health service
availability, which can sometimes be absent in the event of an urgent request
for it. On the other hand, it deals with the right of health as a right among
the economic, cultural and social rights, and the mechanism of the Jordanian
Ministry of Health to which it is affiliated by distribution of the state’s
general budget and the places of its distribution within the regions and cities
around the capital or by the management and administrative rule which the state
is responsible to follow. so, the study will analyze the facts about financial
distribution and the way of which state dealt with this right before the pandemic.
[1] [1] World health organization,
right to health, (29.dec.2017), para.4
[2] World health organization, right to health,
(29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
[2] World health organization, right to health,
(29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
[2] World health organization, right to health,
(29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
Research question This is what leads us to wonder
whether this crisis, which was at the stage of the Corona virus, was a real
reason behind the lack of abundance and quality of the health service in
Jordan, or if there were other factors that contributed to this through
mismanagement in the state or through ministerial amendments or amendments of
the policy regulating the health sector in that period of COVID 19 outbreak?
does it exist in the state before, since this right is one of the social rights
that states may not pay attention to comparing with the civil and political
rights in the same level?
Methodology: It is worth
noting that this paper will use the qualitative research method to test the
basic subtraction to reach the desired results that aim to explain the
relationship between the availability of service in the health sector for each
individual and how the state manages crises in Jordan in order to define the
parameters of the rights agenda Under the right to health and its availability
to all in the same level, which necessitates the use of some tools to collect
relevant information and use it within the framework of an appropriate strategy
to achieve. From this point of view, the case study strategy will be used in
order to show aspects of that relationship.
However, this study will use primary and secondary sources and some
literatures to study the relationship and analyze the problematic of research
or answer a question by including reports issued by: the National Center for
Human Rights in Jordan, World Health Organization reports on Jordan during the
period of the pandemic, reports of Jordanian civil society organizations Before
the pandemic and in addition to the reports that include the study of financial
spending and the general budget from the Ministry of Finance or from the rate
of World Bank borrowings registered on Jordan from before and after the crisis.
Sections of the paper: The
paper was divided into the form that suits the purpose for which it was written
to meet the ability to understand the data into: abstract, introduction, body which divided to health from legal
prospective , economic administrative impact ,difficulties and obstacles and
the result which will discuss outcomes
of the study.
1;3 Health from legal &human rights prospective
We have to mention the amount of obligation which make the state
obliged to keep health in high quality for all region and accessible in the
same level , this mean that the state have to deal with health as an compulsory
duty no as a luxury or privilege not as a right for its nationals , here we
remember the beginning of first legal document which mentioned the right of
enjoyment of full physical and mental health , The global declaration of human
rights UDHR in the article 25 : “Everyone has the right to a standard of living
adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including
food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the
right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability,
widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his
Health has been given
more attention when the international covenant derived from UDHR to give each
social ,economic and cultural rights more importance , As the international covenant
for social , cultural and economic rights in the ICCESR , art 12.(2).b : “the right of everyone to
"the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical
and mental health". "Health" is understood not just as a right
to be healthy, but as a right to control one's own health and body (including
reproduction), and be free from interference such as torture or medical
experimentation. , States must protect this right by ensuring that everyone
within their jurisdiction has access to the underlying determinants of health,
such as clean water, sanitation, food, nutrition and housing, and through a
comprehensive system of healthcare, which is available to everyone without
discrimination, and economically accessible to all “.[1]
What made the art.12 of ICCESR more detailed was the UN committee
on social , economic and cultural rights in the comment 14 , which shows the
explanatory note on the importance & necessity regarding the state
responsibility for the fulfillment the highest standard of health attainability
, which made the state obliged to full the high standard of health based
approach to make the health services available for everyone without gender
based discrimination , individual capacities and that confirm to the responsibility of the state to provide the minimum
level of the medical aid in case of crises which ensure citizen survival a
The convention of elimination of all forms of
discrimination against women also specified the right of health care for women
in the art.12.2 (CEDAW): “States Parties shall ensure to women
appropriate services in connection with
pregnancy, confinement and the post-natal period, granting free services where
necessary, as well as adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation “ [3].
It also seems similar to what mentioned about the child rights protection
treaty in article: 23,24 and 25 (child rights protection treaty art
The importance of this right and its
implications, which reached its peak in regional confessions from European
charter (ECHR, art11.para3)[4]
, African charter (ACPHR, art.16)[5]
and American charter (ACHR, art.33) [6]on
the obligation of the signatory states to maintain the lowest possible level of
medical service in cases of prosperity, crises or disasters.
Looking at Jordan's position on these
agreements and conventions , Jordan has taken a position of ratification of all
the treaties which mentioned health as a human right , beginning from the
global declaration of human rights , CEDAW , Child protection treaty and ICCESR which Jordan has ratified , additionally to
the international agreements , Jordan constitution bay a lot of attention to
the health care policy even though the right of enjoyment of the highest level
of health is not obviously mentioned in the Jordanian constitution in any of
its provisions.
2;3 Economic, administrative situation & its impact on health
With the emergence of
studies proving that illness and lack of health are linked to social and
economic causes, in addition to organic, microbial and other causes, the World
Health Organization adopted the concept of social determinants of disease, as
it identified poverty,
[1] Global decleration of human rights , art25
[1] ICCESR, art .12.2.B
[2] UN committee , comment 14
[3] CEDAW,art.12..para.2.
[4] ECHR,art.11.para.3.
[5] ACPHR,art.16.
[6] ACHR.art.33
social exclusion, illiteracy, unemployment, disability, maternity
and childhood problems, job security, housing shortage, and poor health systems
and safety nets. social as social causes of ill health; This means that society
is responsible for providing health care for the diseases that contributed to
their emergence and spread.
This has been enshrined and clarified by the emerging corona virus
crisis, as many examples around the world which Jordan is one of them, shows
how the risk of infection with Covid-19 is higher for the groups most affected
by these social and economic determinants. Moreover, the crisis has made it
clear that dealing with a pandemic of this magnitude, which has arisen due to
the environmental and economic conditions created by globalization, cannot
succeed without expanding the frameworks of free health care as a right. So,
what is the case here in Jordan?
The problem in Jordan lies in the absence
of explicit articles in the constitution that can be relied upon to claim the
right to health, as this right is implicitly and marginally related to other
rights without detail, and this is what made the Jordanian street questionable
when treatment is needed, because of the few groups covered by insurance.
Health and the extent of insurance coverage of the cost, even for the
categories covered by it, including civilians and military, but even if this is
not mentioned in the Jordanian constitution, it does not represent an escape
for Jordan from the international treaties to which Jordan is a party.[1]
The Jordanian constitution has known many
amendments, which were in the years 1958, 1960, 1965, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1984,
2011, 2014 and 2016. All of these amendments (with the exception of the 2011
amendment) did not bring any addition to the economic and social rights of
Jordanians. Although Jordan signed the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights in 1972 and ratified it in 1975, it did not submit
it to the National Assembly to make it enforceable.[2]
Despite all of that, it cannot be certain that the
lack of access to the health service is caused by the health insurance problem,
or by the absence of articles about health in the Jordanian constitution to
rely on , But it gives an indication that the state was previously
suffering from a problem in dealing with crises related to this particular right,
among the social rights that many protested against.
Relying on the
National Center for Human Rights in Jordan, although the Jordanian constitution
does not explicitly refer to the right to health and its guarantee for
citizens, the international community has given special attention to the right
to health due to its importance. This right to human life, as recommended by
paragraph (1) of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of
1948 AD 274 AD, and Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights 275, as it was attached. Public Health Law No. 47 of
2008 AD. and its
[1] Alhibr news, mohammad
alzoabi,the constitutional right to health , (9 sep 2020).
[2] In 2011, the author of
this article submitted to Mr. Taher Al-Masry, Chairman of the National Dialogue
Committee and a member of the Constitution Amendment Committee, a paper on the
necessity of including the right to health care in the upcoming constitutional
amendment. Al-Masry supported this proposal and promised to implement it, but
the constitutional amendment did not include the right to health care for
Jordanian citizens. And it was sufficient to give it to children and the
elderly. Look at: اhibr news,
mohammad alzoebi, 2020, https://www.7iber.com/society/الحق-الدستوري-في-الرعاية-الصحية/
The year 2017 witnessed amendments regarding the health
sector, where health insurance included those over the age of 60, other than
the constitutional amendment regarding the control of public places, where the
scope was expanded and included more areas, and procedures were tightened
regarding the health status of expatriates, but despite that , this year
witnessed cases of measles , meningitis and deaths of food poisoning that were
more than the year of 2016, also the number of deaths of AIDS patients, and the
number of complaints submitted about the quality of service exceeded the
previous year in the southern cities. [2]
In the report of the National Council for
Human Rights before the Corona pandemic, 2018, the National Center for Human Rights met with the Senate
Health and Environment Committee and discussed the situation related to the
health sector in terms of the increase in the rate of infectious diseases and
the spread of food poisoning cases. The overcrowding of government hospitals,
the shortage of doctors and the absence of a single doctor specializing in the
field of vascular in remote areas in the north and south, and the problems of
transferring patients from the government sector, which indicate a lack of
justice. In the distribution of health insurance in terms of societal class and
geographical location, which ultimately hinders access to health services.
In the report of the National Council for
Human Rights 2019, based on
the national seat for human rights in Jordan: Despite the efforts made by the
Ministry of Health to develop and improve health services provided to citizens,
some hospitals and health centers still suffer from a number of problems that
hinder the achievement of their goals previously set by the Center He addressed
it in his previous annual reports, most notably: the lack of cadres and the
necessary medical equipment in some hospitals and health centers scattered
throughout the Kingdom compared to the number of patients. Which leads to a low
level of medical service provided to patients due to the lack of time the
doctor allocates to see each patient, which makes the doctor vulnerable to
making a mistake when diagnosing disease conditions, and the lack of
environmental facilities in some. Hospitals and health centers for people with
[1] Jordanian National center for human rights report,num.15, 2018
[2] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2011
[3] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2019
[4] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2020
Figure 1-1 ( x=Time , Y=the amount of complaint and damage in health care facility)
death in salt hospital where the patients suffer from the leakage of oxygens because of the little number of mechanical ventilator devices. [1]
Also , we can analyze but not cerine that the state has taken the last decision toward updating the health policy in 2017 , which means that the ministry did not make any update after 2017 on the policy agenda which indicate that there was an obvious negligent in the dealing with the new situation , where the state should has taken the decision to update the policy in responding to the continuous complaints before 2020, but that did not take place in Jordan ,Where the state continued to follow the same policies and it did not develop a future plan regulating the crises that the state could be exposed to, and this is what happened. With the entry of Covid 19, the cases continued to be uncontrollable , and the regime was busy dealing with the new crisis, which is the result of an accumulation of years of ministerial neglect.
Even the report which published by the NCHR showed us some
indicator about the relation but we cannot isolate the negligence from the
financial support , since economy and administration is a couple of variables
and play the main role in any systems, so we can depend on the financial report
which published by the Jordanian ministry of finance about the distribution of
the annual budget and the amount of defect in each year specially the period we
are talking bout (2017 – 2020).[1]
In 2017 the amount of defect was 700 M Jordan
dinar and that a reduction in the deficit ratio comparing to the previous
years, in 2018 the amount of the deficit increased and reached 1.2 billion
Jordan dinar, and regarding to the year of
2019 the amount of deficit reduced and reached 645.6 M Jordan dinar , in
2020 in the period of COVID 19 outbreak the amount of defect suddenly increased
to reach until 2.1 billion dollar and that was unexpected depending on the previous
years agenda which reported by the ministry of finance.[2]
pandemic the hold an emergence meeting to expand
the amount of health sector’s financial support to reach 5.5 M which came as a
response for the pressure of the effected people (This is what the ministry
indicated in its plan for the coming year) , on the other hand Jordan supply
for health sector did not exceed the amount of 0.2 % in the years of (2017-2019), This constitutes
9% of the total domestic production.[1]
Jordan has started to develop a new policy regarding the healthcare system as the ministry of health in Jordan said, that depend on the ministry finance we will get more than 3.0 % of the Jordanian budget to provide the medical project in all cities. Also, if we want to divide the financial supply for each year you can see the bellow table:[2]
2017 |
590 |
Million JD |
2018 |
600 |
Million JD |
2019 |
650 |
Million JD |
2020 |
625 |
Million JD |
From this, it is not possible to ascertain which of the economic
factors or the mismanagement factor was the cause. By studying the financial
deficit, the financial deficit appeared to be high in the year 2020, which is
an expected result due to the lack of state exports and the restrictions that
weakened work, but it is strange that the year 2019, which It has the lowest
percentage of financial deficit. The state has spent high compared to previous
years or even compared to the period of Corona 19. The state wants to spend
more in the COVID period, but the weakness of the budget and
the deficit did not allow that, and in 2017, the state shows the lowest
spending on the sector, despite the fact that the budget of Jordan in that
period was strong to some extent, and its deficit rate is lower compared to the
rest of the years, and this raises the question whether the state is waiting
for the crisis or epidemics to increase the agreement and neglect this in times
of prosperity.
On the other hand, and depend on the NCHR, Jordan has not amended anything on the Jordanian constitution by virtue of prosecuting medical errors or amending laws related to the work of the ministry, which is a failure to respond to the recommendations that have been issued since 2016. Contrary to the response of many neighboring countries, Jordan focused on Covid 19 only and neglected the previous problems that were explained, and all of these similar reports indicate that the new ministerial amendments did not take different measures, but rather followed the old approach
Figure 3-3 the relation between variables
3;3 Difficulties & obstacles
· A Little recourse for the study.
and cultural rights ignored globally so the reporting from NGO or INGO will be
rare on health care issues.
constitution does not have a legal material which can we depend on to make the judgment.
We cannot
compare Jordan with the first world country regarding to health because it needs
a deep studying.
claims or legal precedent to follow in health issues.
· * Inability
to cover all the previous years with reports because some reports did not talk
about health
to know the exact distribution of finance or certain that the report come from ministry
is accurate comparing to the reality.
to study the social factor which played the main role after economy.
Some incident
happened in 2021 which is not covered by reporting yet
Studying this relationship is a complex matter, and it is not possible to be certain of the reason for the multiplicity of influencing factors and the inability to study all of these factors, other than the inability to reach the actual distribution of the budget, whether in Jordan or any country, but it can be said that mismanagement played the biggest role based on reports if we neglected some factors Which can be studied if Jordan is compared to another country with the same resources.
Ahmad Alqayem, in cooperation with: Doha institute for graduateReferences & bibliography :
منظمة الصحة العالمية , الحق في الصحة ,2017 و فقره 4
[1] وكالة عمون ,الجنوب الأردني المهمش ,باسم الطوبسي ,20 ابريل 2013,
منظمة الصحة العالمية , الحق في الصحة ,2017 و فقره 4
[1] [1]
Netional center for human right, annual report , 15,2018
[1] [1]
Netional center for human right, annual report , 16,2019
Jordan ministry of finance https://www.gbd.gov.jo/ar/releases/draft-min/2020
Toebes B. Towards an improved understanding of the international human right to
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heading of social ,cultural and economic rights in the international,
art.12 .para.1
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[1] Allghad news report . 26 dec 2020 , at ; https://alghad.com/الأردن-ينفق-9-من-الناتج-الإجمالي-على-ال/
[2] Jordan ministry of finance , https://www.gbd.gov.jo/ar/releases/draft-min/2020
mendments, in addition to the regulations and instructions issued pursuant to this right, with great care.[1]
[2] In 2011, the author of this article submitted to Mr. Taher Al-Masry, Chairman of the National Dialogue Committee and a member of the Constitution Amendment Committee, a paper on the necessity of including the right to health care in the upcoming constitutional amendment. Al-Masry supported this proposal and promised to implement it, but the constitutional amendment did not include the right to health care for Jordanian citizens. And it was sufficient to give it to children and the elderly. Look at: اhibr news, mohammad alzoebi, 2020, https://www.7iber.com/society/الحق-الدستوري-في-الرعاية-الصحية/amendments, in addition to the regulations and instructions issued pursuant to this right, with great care.[1]
[2] In 2011, the author of this article submitted to Mr. Taher Al-Masry, Chairman of the National Dialogue Committee and a member of the Constitution Amendment Committee, a paper on the necessity of including the right to health care in the upcoming constitutional amendment. Al-Masry supported this proposal and promised to implement it, but the constitutional amendment did not include the right to health care for Jordanian citizens. And it was sufficient to give it to children and the elderly. Look at: اhibr news, mohammad alzoebi, 2020, https://www.7iber.com/society/الحق-الدستوري-في-الرعاية-الصحية/
amendments, in addition to the regulations and instructions issued pursuant to this right, with great care.[1]
[1] Allghad news report . 26 dec 2020 , at ; https://alghad.com/الأردن-ينفق-9-من-الناتج-الإجمالي-على-ال/
[2] Jordan ministry of finance , https://www.gbd.gov.jo/ar/releases/draft-min/2020
[1] Jordanian National center for human rights report,num.15, 2018
[2] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2011
[3] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2019
[4] Netional center for human right, annual report ,2020
[2] In 2011, the author of this article submitted to Mr. Taher Al-Masry, Chairman of the National Dialogue Committee and a member of the Constitution Amendment Committee, a paper on the necessity of including the right to health care in the upcoming constitutional amendment. Al-Masry supported this proposal and promised to implement it, but the constitutional amendment did not include the right to health care for Jordanian citizens. And it was sufficient to give it to children and the elderly. Look at: اhibr news, mohammad alzoebi, 2020, https://www.7iber.com/society/الحق-الدستوري-في-الرعاية-الصحية/
[1] [1] World health organization, right to health, (29.dec.2017), para.4
[2] World health organization, right to health, (29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
[2] World health organization, right to health, (29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
[2] World health organization, right to health, (29.dec.2017), para.4
[3] https://www.france24.com/ar/الأخبارالمستمرة/20210313-سبع-وفيات-جراء-انقطاع-الأكسجين-في-مستشفى-بالاردن-وإقالة-وزير-الصحة
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